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Robotic Surgery at Good Sam

Robotic surgery sounds otherworldly, but it’s actually becoming somewhat commonplace. Certain procedures, like prostate surgery, have seen the benefits of smaller incisions, less blood loss, and reduced healing times. To share their stories of excellent patient outcomes, Intermountain Health brought me in for a day.

To make the procedures look believable, we sterilized various clients’ limbs. Always a good time to have your leg wrapped in orange bacteria-killing plastic for an hour.

Interestingly, in some cases, the surgeon is a few feet away from the patient, operating hand controllers. Still very much “performing” the procedure, the remote controls offer a much greater degree of precision than doing so by hand.

Here’s to more successful days in the robotic suites!

The final layout for Intermountain Health’s 360 Health magazine. Available in waiting rooms everywhere!

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