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Category : Architectural Photography

Casa Bonita

I can FINALLY share my architectural interiors from last year of the amazing Casa Bonita. Joe Crowley was the creative force behind this place looking so great (oh, and a couple guys named Trey and Matt). It was so fun to have an office gang for six months, and to be fed Chef Loca’s unbelievable food for several weeks! A special ¿Que Paso, gringo? to Brook Aitken who flew his drone indoors (and even shot a few stills) and Jack […]

Do You See What I See?

Why, why, WHY do we sometimes see different things on our monitors? Occasionally I hear about image brightness or color. Surprisingly though, not too often. When I edit an image, do you see it the same way I did? Depends. Computer monitors, like almost anything else in the world of tech (thermostats, tire inflators, your Subaru’s speedometer), need to be calibrated to be consistent. What does that mean? Calibration means setting up a device to a specific set of standards. […]

Is Your Photographer Insured?

You make sure the gardener, cable guy, plumber, and roofer are insured, right? Often trade licensing carries a liability insurance requirement, but photography does not. You should still require it. Liability means that if the photographer, or any other contractor working on your property, breaks something or hurts someone, they will be responsible for it, not you or your company. Altitude Arts carries $2 million in liability, plus other additional coverage. Here’s a standard “Acord” certificate. Once you confirm that […]

Gotcha Covered: How Altitude Arts Backs Up Our Work

Stop worrying. That’s my gig. Nobody thinks more about lost files more than me. And that should give you peace of mind! That and the fact that Altitude Arts’s backup system is battle-tested. Here’s why your files are safe: Every shoot, as it’s put onto my editing computer, immediately starts backing itself up both locally and in the cloud. Just copying the files onto my machine puts them in five—FIVE—places: Two cards in the camera My editing machine My local […]

Elevated Event Photography

A few weeks ago, I was asked by Mile High Stadium to cover one of their high-profile events. Mile High, the home of the mighty Denver Broncos, has a large event area on both the east and west sides of the club level. But this assignment was interesting: There were already photographers covering the guest grip n’ grins and the photo booth area, so what did they need me for? The event coordinator asked me to simply document the decor, […]

Architectural Exteriors

A few months ago, we made a handful of new architectural exteriors for a great client, UC Health. They had a lot of locations to photograph, but I was honored to be the one selected to shoot the main campus in Aurora. The buildings change regularly, as does the signage. Although our shoot there a few years ago was a rousing success, enough had changed that the marketing people felt they were due for another shoot. Architectural exteriors are funny. […]

How Do I Save My Pictures?

Good question. Our new system is cool and fast, but those little CDs that used to come in the mail (a week later)? Well, you probably won’t miss them. So here’s a step-by-step guide to saving and backing up your shoot. Enter your final shoot (not proofs) URL and password. Note the download button. Click “Download” then “Select All” That’s it! They’re on their way to wherever your downloads go. You can download individual files as well—Just select them one at […]

Architects on Location

This month, I was happy to hear from Ware Malcomb, a great California architectural firm with a lovely office right here in downtown Denver. The assignment was to match their existing photographic style, and make location portraits of some of their principals. They’re great to work with, and happy to accommodate me with my furniture moving and blind tilting. For actual architectural photography, click here.

CU Health Web Overhaul

This month, I had the pleasure of working with Taylor Carpenter of Carpenter Design on a ground-up web redesign for the Health & Wellness Center at University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora. As far as Taylor and I are concerned, a cohesive design and photography plan is the only way to totally redo a web site. The visual consistency, the uniform style, and the happy lack of stock imagery are all keys to a successful update. Our shot list, planned over several […]

HDR For Architecture

What the heck is HDR and why do you care?   If you require architectural photography, whether interiors or exteriors, you need to know about HDR. High Dynamic Range photography combines several captures, usually 3 to 7, of an identical room or building made at different exposures. Special software (Not Photoshop!) combines them to brighten the darkest parts and darken the brightest to deliver a stunning, snappy, highly-saturated final image. The above is a good example, which also includes perspective correction. […]

Chez Elway II

File under: Celebrity Architectural Photography Some months ago, I had the pleasure of photographing details around Chez Elway in Cherry Hills, Colorado for Vantage Controls. (They make the coolest home automation/lighting controls anywhere.) Eventually, Electronic House Magazine got wind of this project and decided to wrap their October 2012 issue around it, cover and all. So, I brought in a super-high-resolution system (120 mb/file) and spent the day photographing the grounds, inside and out. Yes, that includes the pool house, home theater (which […]

Chez Elway

Is it Architecture? Is it Product? It’s Archi-Product! This month, I got to step into the great John Elway’s house, nervously, with all kinds of pointy tripods and heavy lights. It was for a shoot for Vantage Controls in Philadelphia, and my old buddy Brandon Nelson, who make the most beautiful, customizable lighting, media and climate controls anywhere. Elway recently upgraded his home to 100% Vantage, and we were there to show off the results. The wall lighting controls glow […]