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Advanced Retouching

All photographers are also retouchers, to some extent. Most of us can remove a background, clone out a fire hydrant or wastebasket, or make a gray sky blue. But sometimes clients are surprised at how a truly great retoucher, a real specialist, can save an otherwise unusable photo.

Here is an awards night photo I made for a client just a few months ago. They’re nice enough that they make prints of these special career moments, and send them to the awardees afterward. But one of the figures in the group had just left the company, and they asked if his spot could be filled in. The answer was yes, but not by me. I used my retoucher, an out-of-state helper I’ve never met personally.

And here is an executive portrait. In-person, we don’t notice things like eye size discrepancy or double chins, but in photos they become a little more obvious, and coping with them is unnecessary. She asked if anything could be done, short of crazy posing, which she’d dealt with before. Yep, we just send it out. She was thrilled, and now has a portrait on her company’s website and LinkedIn that actually looks like her.

If you have a photo that needs a little extra help, let me know! I’m not happy until you’re happy. See more corporate event photography here .

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