A client told me the other day that another photographer who was bidding one of their shoots claimed he “didn’t need lights.” Existing-light photography is a noble vocation, but inappropriate for most of corporate work. A headshot like this one should only take a couple minutes—these are busy (in this case, medical) people—and wandering around an office for an hour won’t fly.
An experienced photographer will scope out the set quickly, and be ready when the subject arrives. If it’s an informal setting, there’s no assistant and no stylist. That’s why I always have a little bit of powder and some hair spray in my bag! After shooting a handful of options, the subject will have the opportunity to look over some of the shots. In this case he said, “Looks great! Am I done?”
You are, but I’m not. A little editing, some tweaking in post, and retouching. Everyone’s looking to knock about 10 years off, and I can’t argue with that.
Pro tip: If you’re not working with a designer, say so. Your photographer will make sure you receive multiple copies of each shot appropriate for web, print, or billboards.