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Outdoor Business Portraits

Well, this has been an interesting year. And the business portrait train did not stop, it merely sat in the station for a couple months. But it’s chugging along again, and safely.

One of my clients has me come to their various offices (dozens around the Denver metro area) to do head-and-shoulders “headshots” of their new employees. We’ve always done these in an office setting: Behind them you see a bit of out-of-focus window or plant. Something architectural, maybe a bit of color.

Well, for absolute safety, and because the weather has been delightful this summer, we’ve moved outside.

As you can see, we’ve been able to maintain the look and feel of the in-office shots. Now, taking simple headshots like this outdoors isn’t for the faint of heart. Denver sunshine is brutal, and controlling it calls for a whole separate class of equipment preparedness.

So, if you’re considering outdoor business portraits, you have two months to schedule! Do it today! See more location portraits here .

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