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Category : Uncategorized

QuickPost: Your LinkedIn Photo

Not everybody’s LinkedIn picture is terrible, but many, many are. I’m assuming yours is not among them. Briefly, can we talk about why? I think we can safely blame cell phones. Phones are made for inebriated selfies, not sober portraits! You’ve heard camera lenses referred to as “wide angle” or “telephoto” and that means this: Wide angle is for Yosemite landscapes, telephoto is for faces. Your phone is wide angle.edBut a real portrait is taken from even further away than 5 […]

Conference Photography

Big sales conferences are always a great way to spend a couple days. Clients are busy, happy, and sipping the endless coffee, while attendees enjoying face time with far-flung colleagues and taking home awards. And my clients have long since been taking me with them, when they’ve outgrown or outclassed local hotel venues for warmer climes or bigger ballrooms. When you’re planning your next big conference, give me a call. I’ll be happy to go over past work, kind words from other clients, and budgets […]

Animal Planet’s ‘Animal House’

Animal Planet, who I had never shot for, has an amazing project underway right now. It’s a location drama (Don’t call it a reality show!) centered around Dr. Jeff Young of Planned Pethood in Denver (and founder of Planned Pethood Int’l). AP’s cameras are living in his busy, cramped veterinary clinic for the next couple months, and documenting the drama and emotions of animal care. Dr. Jeff at first seems gruff and maybe a little overworked, but put a sick […]


[vimeo]Click in the box to play. This month was all gory fun shooting stills for Encore’s Fear Fest promo. Dylan Kiszlowski‘s beautiful set belies the horror that’s to come…In the form of about 50 gallons of fake blood. Masterfully edited, this split-second event fills 30 seconds with ease. My socks were ruined.

Ahead in the Polls

Every fourth year brings a slew of political calls to the studio, few of which I have any interest in returning. But when we finally get out in the field, quite literally in some cases, we have a great time and make some really nice-looking work. Yes, the 2016 campaign season is just around the corner.

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