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Case Studies: Matching Another Style

One of the interesting things about our business is that often we’re asked not to create a style from scratch, but to match new photography with an existing style. Here are a couple examples of the challenges of joining a project partway through.HS1

On the left, a style rendered impossible by a client’s change of locale. They had previously made portraits adjacent to a window. Locations like this can be problematic, as the lighting varies wildly day-to-day (and isn’t necessarily flattering). We established a new look to go with their new office.


In this case, a national client was given a new photography standard that all their local photographers were asked to follow. The image on the left is the supplied demo lighting style, and on the right is how we lit it in their Denver office. Matching other people’s lighting is both challenging and fun.


Finally Top Chef. Left, the images made before filming started by rock star network photographer Tommy Garcia ( After, my mid-season images of Last Chance Kitchen finalist Marcel Vigneron (and others) that Tommy wasn’t there for! 

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